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Dry Mouth Information and Xylitol

Read more about Oral Health and Dry Mouth

Dry mouth or Xerostomia is caused when the salivary glands are not producing enough saliva in the mouth to keep it wet.

Symptoms of dry mouth usually include: a dry feeling in the mouth and throat most or all of the time, a dry and rough tongue, problematic tasting, chewing, swallowing and possible trouble speaking, a burning sensation in the mouth/throat and cracked, dry lips.

Dry mouth can lead to mouth sores and infections in the mouth and gums.

Saliva is vital to our oral and digestive health since it helps to digest food & provides a medium to break down food when chewing and swallowing and washes away oral bacteria and fungi to protect teeth and gums from disease and decay.

There are many Causes of dry mouth:
Diseases such as diabetes
Parkinson's disease
Auto-immune diseases like HIV/AIDS and Sjogren's Syndrome are all capable of causing xerostomia.
Cancer treatments: If the salivary glands are exposed to radiation they can be damaged.
Chemotherapy drugs can make saliva thicker and slow production of saliva.
More than 400 medications can reduce saliva production. Medication for depression and high blood pressure can cause dry mouth.
Lastly, an injury to the head or neck can damage the nerves that signal the salivary glands to produce saliva.

If you have xerostomia here are ways to combat dry mouth:

If possible avoid taking medication to alleviate dry mouth. All medications have side effects and the body works best when it is not influenced by medication. It is understandable that for some people medicine is necessary however, for your own health, assess the need carefully. If dry mouth is caused by medication see if your doctor can change the medication or reduce the dosage.

Sip water often, water is very good for us anyway. Keep a water bottle handy at all times. At meals use water as a saliva substitute to help in chewing, swallowing and digestion. Choose beverages wisely avoiding drinks with caffeine, sugar and artificial sweeteners such as coffee, tea and soda. Drink fruit juices, vegetable juices and water.

After meals and in between meals chew xylitol gum or suck on xylitol mints. Do not use products with chemical or artificial sweeteners. Xylitol gum and mints alleviate dry mouth because they are natural, increase salivation and are clinically proven to fight tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel.

This is added relief to the threat of tooth and gum diseases possible with dry mouth. Alcohol and tobacco cause dryness of the mouth so avoid these, they are health hazards anyway. If you live in a dry climate, you may want to use a humidifier in your house especially at night. If needed check into the possibility of using artificial saliva.

Guidance for good oral health:

If you have dry mouth you need to take extra care to ensure healthy teeth and gums. Be sure to: Brush teeth gently using a xylitol-flouride toothpaste such as Squigle twice a day.

Floss your teeth efficiently every day, this is very important and helps greatly to avoid bad breath.

After brushing and at bed time use a xylitol mouthwash, swishing in your mouth for at least 30 seconds.

Avoid sugar, candy or anything sticky. If and when you eat these, brush immediately following.

See your dentist twice a year (or more if needed) for check-ups, cleaning, etc.

Xylitol Gum and Mints:

Xylitol is derived from plants & helps inhibit the S. mutans bacteria that cause decay.

Studies show using xylitol gum or mints immediately after eating can reduce dry mouth/cavities significantly and prevent the formation of new sites of decay.

Xylitol products are used by existing dry mouth customers to increase salivation and they have been endorsed by several national dental associations.

At www.xylitolpro.com & Nature's Provision, we offer 100 percent xylitol-sweetened gum and mints in a variety of flavors and xylitol sweetener granules, which when used to replace sugar further lowers the incidence of tooth decay.

 Mints Product Information