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Ear Infection Remedy

Ear infections in children are physically painful for the child, and emotionally painful for the parent. There are some steps you can take to help prevent ear infections from occurring.

Ear infections, or Acute Otitis Media, results when there is a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, behind the eardrum. Fluid is retained because of a blocked eustachian tube, and then bacteria settle in. The acute pain is caused by pressure in the inner ear. Ear infections often follow an upper respiratory infection. Antibiotics can sometimes speed recovery, but they are a corrective measure and taking them usually causes upset stomach, vomiting and diarreah.

Prevention of Ear Infections

Research clinical studies concerning the positive effect xylitol has on reducing ear infactions.
It's far better to prevent the infection in the first place. Use antibacterial measures such as frequent hand washing, disinfecting toys, adequate rest and good nutrition to start. Letting your baby drink from a bottle while lying on his or her back can draw bacteria into the middle ear and it is not good for babies new teeth to allow them to drink a bottle in bed while falling asleep.

Studies have shown that xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol has an anti-bacterial effect. One such study, done in Finland in 1996, found that using xylitol chewing gum or candy reduced ear infections by nearly 50 percent. For children who are too young for gum or candy, brushing with xylitol granules can offer the same great benefit. Xylitol gum, mints, and granules are available at Nature's Provision xylitolpro.com.